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Merlot Grape Variety: Characteristics, History, and Uses

Merlot Grape Variety: Characteristics, History, and Uses for Merlot Wine Merlot is a popular red wine grape variety that is widely grown all over the world. It is known for its smooth texture, fruity flavors, and medium tannins, making it an excellent choice for blending with other grape varieties such as Cabernet Sauvignon. In this […]

Should rioja wine be chilled?

Tempranillo: Discover This Grape Variety

Tempranillo, a red Grape Variety became famous thanks to its versatile, intense and absolutely tasty personality. The red wines made with this grapes are strong, flavorful and quite soft all together. These characteristics explain well the increasing success of Spanish red wines all over the world. Tempranillo is a grapevine that deserves to be explored […]

Cabernet Sauvignon Grape Variety

Cabernet Sauvignon Grape: an Easy Guide

Cabernet Sauvignon: Origins Cabernet Sauvignon is the most cultivated red grape variety in the world. There are two varieties of Cabernet grape: Cabernet Franc and Cabernet Sauvignon, both derived from Vitis Caburnica. This grapevine arrived in Italy from Greece, already in Ancient Roman times, as reported by the roman author Pliny the Elder, in his […]

Pinot Noir Grape Variety

Pinot Noir Grape: an Easy Guide

Pinot Noir Grape Origins Pinot Noir, also called Blauburgunder in German-speaking countries, is a red grape variety, considered to be of French origin. In fact, it was introduced in the Burgundy region of France, during the conquests of Julius Caesar. It was precisely due to the presence of the Romans that the Aedui tribes began […]

Are all sauvignon blanc from new zealand?

Sauvignon Blanc Grape: an Easy Guide

Origins Sauvignon is a white grape variety, most likely native to the French region of Bordeaux. Its name derives from the French term “sauvage”, indicating a connection with the wild Vitis Labrusca. Sauvignon Blanc is considered an aromatic grape variety. The strength of its aromas is due to the synthesis of pyrazines and methoxypyrazines, aromatic […]

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