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Are chablis and chardonnay the same?

Sauvignon Blanc Cloudy Bay: Sunshine!

A new definition for meditation wines. Sauvignon Blanc Cloudy Bay shows a distinctive mouthfeel and flavour … and so you want it again. The Charm of Cloudy Bay Cloudy Bay, undoubtedly an evocative name, which was not chosen by chance but represents a tribute to the territory. A place between land and sea, where the […]

Should Sauvignon Blanc Wine Be Chilled?

Sauvignon Blanc Private Bin: enjoy and pair it!

Awatere Valley kisses Wairau Valley, so it is a pleasure to meet and taste this Private Bin, an authentic Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand. More than a white wine, a pleasure trip for every occasions. When the weather is hot and damp, then the Sauvignon Blanc Private Bin plays its card of lively freshness, enclosed […]

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